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"Don't you think its time for you to go home?" Caroline groaned at her friend who hasn't left her home in hours.

"Nah, Alex is on his way with dinner," Charles replied, fully concentrating on the tv screen. "You watch a lot of murder mysteries Caroline."

"Who invited Alex?" she asked, not having any energy left to entertain another one of her friends.

"I did," Charles replied. "He said he was bored so I invited him, and we get free dinner."

"I begged Charlotte not to go on vacation without you," she tiredly sat on the couch. "Cause this is what happens every time."

Charles gave her an innocent smile, knowing well that no matter how much she complains she is never going to kick her out.

"Honey, I am home," Alex entered through the front door, without even ringing the bell. "And I bought pizza and your grumpy teammate, found him right outside the gate."

"Albono," Caroline stood up and helped Alex with the food.

Max awkwardly waved at Charles and Caroline before taking the seat next to Charles.

She looked at Max who gave her a 'we eill talk later look'.

"I asked you to bring Chinese food," Charles looked disappointed as he look at the pizza boxes.

"But Max said Caroline will want pizza," Alex pointed out. "And I really didn't want to go to two places to pick up dinner."

Charles pouted before turning his attention back to the murder mystery. Max already seem invested in it and soon Alex also joined.

"I really need to change house," Caroline complained to her friends as she put the pizza boxes in front of them and took a seat. "And never let you guys know my address again."

Charles and Alex shared a look before they burst out laughing.

"I am serious," Caroline glared. "You two treat my house as a local hangout place."

"What do you mean us two?" Alex questioned. "I know Max comes here at least once a week."

"Don't bring me in the middle of this," Max tried to stay out of the conversation.

"He is my friend and my teammate," Caroline argued.

"Well I am your friend and the team's reserve driver, so in a way I am your teammate too," Alex argued back.

Max groaned as he covered his face with his hands.

"Well, I am your..friend," Charles added. "But if you join Ferrari we can be teammates."

"All three of you shut up," Max raised his voice.

Charles and Alex shut their mouth immediately, while Caroline had an unamused look.

"You two have your dinner quickly and leave, and Care you have a plane to catch tomorrow morning so stop fighting and go to bed early, otherwise we all know what happens when you don't get enough sleep," Max said.

"Jeez Max, no need to yell," Caroline tried to calm him down.

"Wait...where are you going tomorrow?" Charles asked.

"London, to meet my mom's fourth husband," Caroline rolled her eyes.

"What happened to the third one?" Alex asked. "Didn't she just married him last year?"

"Divorced," Max replied instead of Caroline.

Charles and Alex shares a confused look, but its no secret that Max and Caroline often confined in each other.

"What am I supposed to do when you are in London?" Charles asked. "I need a key to your house."


After two hours Max kicked both Alex and Charles out, but the former one was disappointed that he didn't get a key to Caroline's house. After that it was a bit awkward between Max and Caroline as they haven't talked properly since the last race weekend.

"Prepared for the next three days?" Max asked as they both finished cleaning.

"No," Caroline let out a nervous laugh. "I already know its going to be a disaster. Mom has invited the entire family and dad is in New York throwing another tantrum, I won't be surprise if he shows up in London."

"Well, I know you are only going for the wine and your mom's cooking, but if it gets too much to handle then don't hesitate to leave," Max advised. "I am serious Care."

"I will," Caroline smiled. "And George agreed to be my rescue driver so..."

Max let out a laugh. He should have known that Caroline will have everything planned out. But once again the awkwardness returned as the conversation died down.

"Have...have you met or talk to Lewis these past few days?" he asked the question he was dying to know the answer of, and the reason why he came over in the first place.

"No," Caroline shook her head and gave an assuring smile, telling the truth. Neither Lewis nor she had reached out to each other. But unknown to her, Lewis is just giving her the space she needs before the next race.

"Okay cool," he nodded his head. "You know, it's not like I am forbidding you or anything...it's just you don't have to go out with him or talk to him to protect me."

"I know Max," she chuckled. He was having a hard time forming his words but she has no trouble figuring out what he is trying to say. Its no secret that he is protective of her, everyone in the team knows that. "You don't have to worry about anything."

"Its getting late and I should get going," he pointed at the door before pulling her into a hug. "Call me once you get to London."


A/N: I think Caroline needs a rival/enemy on the grid. Any suggestions?

Thoughts on Caroline's friendship with Charles and Alex?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now