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Okay so the story is at that point where I can just make Caroline and the driver I want her to end up with (Max or Lewis...and maybe Valtteri) get together and they will be endgame and the story will end in the next 5-10 chapters, less maybe. OR I can just fool around and make all the crazy pairing happens, extra drama and more love interest maybe and make this book a circus.

My decision is split 50/50 so I am struggling.

What would you guys prefer? End the book in roughly 10 chapters, no more extra love interest and happy Care, OR take the circus route with all the plot twists and turns? I am little worried that if I choose the later option readers will lose interest in the story.

Let me know which option do you think is the best :)

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now