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Caroline was barely paying attention as Eloise and Florence went on and on about their love life. Meanwhile, she was feeling confused regarding both Lewis and Max. She can't help but feel frustrated that Lewis was right, her opinion about him was changing. And Max is still a mystery. She thought she knew him best but these past couple of weeks have proved her wrong.

"All I am saying is he is successful and looks handsome too," Florence said, catching Caroline's attention. "I won't mind giving it a try."

"But he is already in a relationship," Eloise added.

"What are you two talking about?" Caroline asked.

"Max," Florence smiled.

"Can you tell her she is nuts," Eloise looked at Caroline.

Caroline looked confused.

"I am not nuts," Florence argued. "I am just not blind like you two. Max is a great catch and it would be a loss if I don't give it a try."

"Wait...Max? As in my teammate Max Verstappen?" Caroline frowned. "Flo he is already in a committed relationship with Kelly."

"Ehh those two won't last," Florence shrugged. "And once they break up you will set us up."

"I will do no such thing," Caroline shook her head, feeling annoyed.

"You sound desperate Flo," Eloise let out an awkward laugh.

"It's not desperate, it strategic," Florence confidently replied. "He is a great guy with success and money and it will boost my career also."

"He will see right through you," Caroline was starting to get angry at her friend. Before her emotions explode she thought it would be the right thing to leave.


Caroline was not excited for the race weekend and it showed. She hasn't seen or talked to Max in a week and all she can think about is how to resolve the issue between them.

"So you are going to Ferrari?" Valtteri joined her as soon as she stepped into the paddock.

"Where did you hear that?" She asked, confused who told him the false news.

"Everyone is talking about it," he chuckled. "Personally I think it is the right decision. I mean you won't get to win any races, let alone championships as long as your teammate is Max Verstappen."

Caroline glared at the Mercedes driver who only grinned at her.

"Seems like you are speaking from experience," she replied. "I mean, you also haven't won any championship despite driving the fast car in F1. Must be tough being Lewis Hamilton's teammate."

Immediately Valtteri's grin disappears and is now replaced by anger.

"Don't give me that look, you have only yourself to blame for that comment," Caroline bluntly told him before walking away.

Valtteri stood there looking pissed. She is right but how dare she tell that to his face. But even though most of their encounter ends with one of them walking away angry he enjoys it.

"Who pissed you off bro?" Lewis asked as he joined his teammate.

"The she-demon from hell," he replied through his gritted teeth.

"Caroline?" Lewis let out a laugh.

Valtteri nodded as they both walked to the Mercedes hospitality.

"Stop trying to get under her skin and she will stop pissing you off," Lewis suggested. "She is actually really nice once you get to know her."

"Seems like someone is getting too close with the enemy."


Caroline took a deep breath when she spotted Max right outside the Red Bull hospitality. He just had a quick word with Daniel before he went to the McLaren garage.

"Hey," she gave a polite smile. "Can... can we talk?"

Max froze for a second. The entire week he tried to get over the mixed feelings he got when he found her having a good time with Lewis but now seeing her again made those feelings resurface.

"Yeah, sure," he gave a small smile.

Caroline felt relieved as he didn't start another argument.

"Umm about last week..it was a..."

"I over-reacted," Max cut her off. "It is not my place to tell you who you can talk to or spend time with...but I care for you Caroline, and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I know," she gave a small smile. "I care about you too Max and I don't want us to fight and..."

Both were interrupted as the Ferrari driver joined them, looking frustrated.

"Is it true?" Charles asked. "You are joining Ferrari next year? Are you replacing me?"

"What?" Caroline looked at Charles and then back at Max who looked confused.

"Maria is telling everyone you are joining Ferrari," Charles replied.

"No I..."

Max didn't wait for her explanation and stormed off, feeling hurt and betrayed that she has chosen to leave him and the team.

"Max!" she wanted to run after him but decided it's best to first clear the confusion with Charles.

"I am not joining Ferrari, Charles," she replied. "They haven't even asked me yet and I have no plans to leave Red Bull, I am happy with my current team."

"So what Maria was saying is not true?" he asked, feeling a little relieved.

"You know she over exaggerates things and was she drunk when she was going around telling that I am joining Ferrari?"


Caroline gave him a knowing look and he eased up.

"Oh okay," he let out a deep breath. "I panicked when I heard that you will replace me," he nervously replied.

"They will extend your contract Charles, you have nothing to worry about," she put her hand on his shoulder. "You are an amazing driver and it will be a stupid decision to let you go."


A/N: Just when things were about to resolve between Max and Caroline...

Thoughts on Valtteri?

Thoughts on Florence and her intentions with Max?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now