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"Someone woke up early," Caroline said as she joined Max at the hotel gym.

"Can't sleep," Max replied as he continued working out. "What about you? The sun is barely up."

"Same as you," She sighed. "I am dreading this weekend and my mind is full of..."

"Full of what?" Max asked as he looked at her, feeling slightly concerned.

"Unnecessary thoughts," Caroline chuckled. "But Eloise planned this hectic workout routine for me and I thought to give it a try since I can't get any sleep...no matter how much I try."

Max gave her a faint smile as he is aware Caroline's mother is visiting this weekend and how much a single thought of it drains her emotionally and mentally.

"You will be fine Care," Max comforted her. "I am sure you will barely see your mom..and if needed just give me a call and I will help you escape."

Caroline smiled which turned into a chuckle.

"Enough about me," Caroline got ready to start her workout. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

"It's just something Kelly said the other night," Max honestly replied.

"And what exactly did she say?"

"Nothing that I don't already know."


It took everything Caroline could muster up to not look at Lewis or even spare a thought about him during the track walk, however it was quite the same for Lewis.

"Your mother dearest has checked into her hotel," Eloise said as she caught up to Caroline.

"And how do you know that my dear Eloise?" Caroline asked sarcastically as she kept walking.

"I was stalking her Instagram," Eloise replied. "She and her husband checked in, and there is some girl with them," She checked the photo but didn't recognize the additional face. "Do you know her?"

Caroline took Eloise's phone and zoomed in to have a look.

"That would be Stephen's daughter, mom's stepdaughter," Caroline replied. "Sara..Sophia..umm I don't exactly remember her name."

"Hmm," Eloise took back her phone and checked the girl's profile. "Her name is Sandra, not Sara or Sophia...and she is an Instagram influencer..how can someone be an influencer with just three thousand followers?"

Caroline gave Eloise a look and she immediately put her phone away.

"How much do you want to bet that she will try to use you to gain followers?"

"You are judging her even before you have met her," Caroline warned Eloise.

"It's fun," Eloise smiled. "You need a bit of fun before your family ambushes you."


Caroline yelped as she felt a hold around her wrist and she was pulled towards the direction.

"What are you doing?" She gasped as Lewis pulled her inside his motorhouse, making her almost stumble on the stairs but he was there to catch her before he closed the door quickly. He was still in his Mercedes race suit, whereas Caroline has changed out of her suit after free practice and is ready to head back to her hotel.

"I just want to explain myself," Lewis let go of her but stayed close.

"I don't...I have to go," She looked away and was about to turn and open the door but Lewis stopped her.

"Just... please listen to me," He begged. "Let me properly explain myself and then it's all up to you. I will accept whatever you decide. Please, Caroline."

Caroline let out a shaky breath as she thought for a few seconds, her eyes looking as venerable as Lewis'.

"Fine," She replied as she swallowed her pride. "But be quick."


"Say something," Lewis desperately said as he kneeled down in front of Caroline who was sitting down on the bed. He gently held her and gave a slight squeeze, encouraging her to respond.

"Why go through all the trouble?" Caroline looked at him. She still can't seem to understand completely even after he explained his side of the truth. "Is it because I was a challenge and you enjoyed it?"

"No," Lewis shook his head. "It's because I was ignorant and didn't know any better."

"I want to forgive you, Lewis, I really do," Caroline held back her tears. "But I don't know if I will ever be able to forget it."

"I understand," He nodded his head as his voice cracked. "But Care, I want you to know that my love for you was never a lie, what we had and the time we spent was never a lie."

Caroline looked away, not wanting to look at him and his convincing expression.

"I am a difficult person Lewis," Caroline softly mumbled. "And I have a very difficult heart."

Lewis didn't say anything but he still had hope.

"I need some more time," she looked at him. "I am sure I will be able to forgive you one day, but it's not today. And I don't think we can..I don't think I can be in a relationship with a man who I don't trust."


A/N: thoughts on Care and Lewis? When do you think she will forgive him? 

I seriously have no idea how to proceed with Max and Care but I want them to happen at one point. Any advice?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora