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Max and Caroline smiled as the fan clicked the photo. Both were spotted many times by their fans as they walked, exploring the streets.

"Thank you," the fan smiled. "You two really look cute together," she said.

"Oh no..we are not..." Caroline tried to correct the comment but the fan already left.

She hit Max and slightly pushed him away.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I don't disagree with what she said," Max shrugged as he shot her a smile.

Caroline playfully glared at him and rolled her eyes before walking away, on her way to find her friends. Max chuckled as he followed her.


"I don't believe this," Charles excitedly said as soon as he spotted the group. "We are all in Mykonos."

"We?" Caroline questioned. "Why do I feel like you mean someone else other than us?"

"George and Nickolas are also here with their girlfriends," he replied.

"Great, half the grid is here," Max sarcastically said.

As soon as Daniel and Maria heard that they decided to sneak away before some other plans come up which they won't be able to reject.

"We should all meet up and have dinner tonight..that is if you are free," Charles suggested.

"Umm.."Caroline looked at Max and Eloise.

"I can't," Eloise quickly replied. "I met this cute guy earlier and I am going on a date with him...but Max and Caroline would love to join you guys."

"No we.." Max tried to protest but it was already too late.

"Great," Charles smiled. "I will text you two the details." He said goodbye and rushed away to find his girlfriend.

Caroline and Max looked at each other, both regretting not running away like Daniel and Maria.

"Cheer up you two," Eloise smiled. "It will be like a triple date, I am sure you will have a good time."


Lewis was enjoying his time with his family when he got the news from Toto that Valtteri as finally signed with Alfa Romeo and won't be driving for Mercedes from next year. Lewis felt a little guilty since he pushed the idea of making me leave the team but he also feel like it was justified since Valtteri betrayed him.

He replied to the text and was about to put his phone away but stopped when he received a notification that Caroline posted new photos on her instagram. At first, he didn't want to click on the notification as he very well knows that seeing her will only put his mood down but his self control was not strong enough.

A smile appeared on his face as soon as he looked at the first photo, Caroline was at the beach and looked happy. He scrolled through the slides, but his smile disappeared when he spotted Max in one of the photo, he didn't realize that Max and Caroline would be going on a vacation together. The last photo looked laws of Caroline and Max having dinner and it looked like they were on a date. Lewis can't help but feel jealous and angry.

He made up his mind to get Caroline back as soon as she comes back from her vacation, but can't help but wonder if in the meantime he will lose her to Max.


"So you don't want to date anyone right now?" Charlotte, Charles' girlfriend asked Caroline as a follow up question to what they were discussing. "Because I know a guy and..."

"No," Caroline politely smiled. " I am not ready yet, I just got out of a relationship and did some pretty reckless things.."

Max can't help but eavesdrop as he was sitting right next to Caroline.

"Like having a one night stand?" Carmen asked. "Trust me I have been there."

"And then she met me and is now very happy," George added and kissed his girlfriend, making everyone around the table laugh except for Max.

Caroline didn't know what to say as the topic was pretty weird for her. She looked at Max but he was not looking at her, and she got the feeling that he is not happy.


When everyone got back to the resort they realized that there is a pool party going on and they all decided that instead of going back to their room so early they are going to attend the party.

Max immediately parted ways with Caroline and went in the opposite direction. It took a few minutes for her to realize that he was not by her side. As all the couples went separate ways Caroline was left alone. She decided to get drinks for her and Max before she went to find him.

It took her some time but she spotted him, but he was not alone. She can clearly see that he was flirting with some girl. She thought about going over and giving him his drink and maybe spending the rest of the time with him but before she could take the next step Max kissed the girl. Caroline was a bit surprised since he never act that way with a stranger. She decided to shrug it off and go over anyway to hand him his drink and then she will leave them alone but she didn't get the chance. Max left the party with the girl and went to his room.

Caroline stood there alone, feeling left out and confused and an unfamiliar sting of jealousy since Max always prioritized her in the past but this time he just left her alone and did not even check on her once before leaving with the stranger. 


A/N: Now Max is going to have one night stand....

Lewis is Jealous, Max is jealous, now Caroline is jealous..I wonder how Valtteri is feeling.

 What do you think will happen next? 

How would you guys feel if Care ends up with Toto at the end?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now