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Caroline gave a faint smile as she sat beside Lewis on the couch. She was completely tired and exhausted and he can clearly see it on her face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he softly asked as he gently rubbed her back, making her feel a little relaxed.

"Not really," Caroline let out a deep breath. "I mean I am still processing what happened tonight."

Lewis nodded his head, understanding what she meant.

"But thank you for coming for my rescue though," Caroline gave a grateful smile.

"I guess it's a good thing I was stalking you," he joked, earning a light punch from Caroline.

"Well, it's your first time in my house and I have nothing to offer you to eat so I was thinking maybe we can order dinner if you want," Caroline said.

"Sure, and can we consider it as our first date?" Lewis joked.

"Okay," Caroline smiled, which shocked Lewis for a second.

"Wait..you are actually agreeing to..."

"Do you want me to change my mind?"

"No..God no."


Lewis admired Caroline's house as they both cleaned up after dinner. Her house was defiantly much smaller than his but the décor and furniture give a more homey feeling which made him a little jealous yet comfortable.

Even though they didn't talk about what happened earlier the night, throughout the dinner Lewis was dying to ask her the question that has been eating up his brain for the past couple of hours and is almost sure it will ruin Caroline's mood.

"Alright, all done," Caroline said as she cleaned the last plate and washed her hands.

"Can I ask you something?" Lewis cautiously asked. "It's okay if you don't answer it but I feel like I have to know this..."

"Sure..what is it?"

"Earlier today Kelly mentioned something..."

Caroline took a deep breath, already knowing what the question is going to be.

"She said Max loves you...I don't care if it's true or not but do you have any feelings for him as well?" he asked, his eyes pleading for an honest answer.

Caroline gave a small smile as she nervously ran her fingers through her hair.

"He is my teammate Lewis and we are very close...or at least we were," she replied. "And I guess a part of me loves him and care for him very much but as a friend and a teammate...nothing more."

Lewis nodded, feeling relieved with the answer. "So nothing ever happened between you two?"

Caroline let out a shaky breath and looked away which pretty much answered his question.

"Did you two..."

"It was just a kiss..a stupid kiss which made me feel nothing but guilt," she replied. "But we talked about it and agreed it was a mistake."

"If he really loves you then I don't think he considers the kiss as a mistake," Lewis gave a sad smile as he put a strand of her hair behind her ear and then touched her cheek. "Just like I don't regret even a single moment we spent together."

Caroline's heart started beating faster and her cheek got a little warm from the blood rush as Lewis took a step closer.

"Lewis I..."

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now