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Caroline smiled as Max approached her at the team celebration. Almost everyone was drunk and was dancing but Caroline didn't even have a sip of alcohol as she was busy talking with her team.

Judging by the smile Max just gave her she could easily say that he is drunk.

"Hey there super Max," she teased.

"Don't call me that," he groaned as he threw his arm around her shoulder, making Caroline almost stumble forward but he was quick to hold her. "I am just Max."

"Okay just Max," Caroline let out a laugh. "How many drinks did you have?"

Max thought for a few seconds before counting his fingers. "Two..or six maybe."

"Six?" Caroline's eyes slightly widened. "Don't you think it's a little too much? I mean we only got here an hour ago."

"You worry too much about me," Max smiled as he gently touched her cheek.

Caroline felt her face turn red, and so did Max.

"Come on," he pulled her where everyone are dancing. "I want to dance and have a good time with my Care."

"Umm Max.." Caroline stuttered as he pulled her closer, his one hand on her waist. She felt her heart at ease when she looked up and saw Max smiling at her.

They danced slowly whereas everyone around them are dancing just the opposite.

"I won a race today because of you," he slurred.

"You won because you are one of the best drivers," Caroline smiled.

As the song came to an end Max pulled her even closer and she could feel his breath on her cheek.

"Max.." she looked at him nervously.

"Thank you, Caroline," he said softly before leaning closer and kissing her cheek.

He let go of her and walked away, leaving her confused as she touched her cheek where he kissed.


"So...you two danced?" Eloise questioned.

"Yes," Caroline nodded as she sat comfortably on her couch with a smoothie that Eloise made for her while she was explaining what happened with Max.

"And then he kissed your cheek?"


"He has kissed your cheek before," Eloise pointed out.

"Yes, but..this time it was different," Caroline replied. "It was...it was like he wanted more..I can't explain it Eloise, the more I think about it the more I get confused."

"Then why don't you just go and talk to him?" Eloise suggested.

"Oh what a great idea," Caroline rolled her eyes. "Why don't I go over to my teammate who is currently in a relationship and ask him what that kiss meant."

"Fine..now that you said it out loud it does seem like a bad idea," Eloise groaned and sat back. "But if you want I can ask Daniel to ask max about it."

"No," Caroline immediately answered. "I am sure it was nothing and I am just looking too much into it. Besides, Daniel will just blow it out of proportion."


It was very early in the morning and Caroline went out for a run, thought it might help clear her mind. When she started getting a little out of breath she stopped and had a sip of her water as she looked at the pleasant morning sky.

"What a beautiful morning, right?" the familiar voice said, making Caroline slightly jump.

"Hey stalker," she gave a small smile as Lewis joined her. He too looks like he was running which is pretty common for her.

"Stalker? Is that what I am now?" he teased.

"Well, you do seem to show up in unusual places..at unusual times," Caroline replied.

"Maybe it's fate," he smiled but cringed at his own answer.

Caroline raised her eyebrows and looked amused.

"Okay, you don't seem to believe in that sort of thing," he chuckled. "How about we call it a coincidence?"

"Sure stalker," she smirked.

Lewis laughed and shook his head.

"Can I ask you something?" he looked at her.

"Would it matter if I say no?"

"No," he chuckled. "What is plan C?" he asked.

"What?" Caroline looks confused and taken aback. This is not the question she was expecting.

"After the race reviewed everything during debriefing and you and Horner asked Max to try plan C when he was unable to overtake me, and Horner and Max clearly stated that it's your idea," he explained.

Caroline let out a laugh as she looked away from him and looked back at the sky. "It was just something that the team came up with."

"You knew I would back out to avoid collision with Max," Lewis said as he moved closer.

"Everyone driver would back out to avoid collision with another car," she replied, slightly tilting her head to look at him. "Besides, your teammate took me out of the race so it's only fair that I help mine to win."

"One day I am not going to back out Caroline and Max will be too stubborn to give up and it's not going to end well," Lewis warned, but with a smile on his face.

"Max can handle himself." Caroline smiled back, defending her teammate and making Lewis feel slightly jealous. She failed to realize that talking to Lewis made her forget about the event with Max last night.


A/N: Thoughts on Max and Caroline?

Do you thinks Caroline has feeling for Max or Lewis? 

For some reason I am not enjoying writing this and other stories as much as I enjoyed writing Race. Feeling like something is missing.

Anyway, the actual storyline is slowing getting in motion and I have figured out half of it, but not sure how it will end.

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now