I only trust Winter

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I have been in the big shed for about 3 hours and I come out when Tony is in the small shed that is directly above the larger one. The thing is the tunnel to get to the under ground shed is a draining grate in the small shed so no one would suspect it.

When I flip the grate open Tony points his hand gauntlet at me, and very slowly lowers it when he realizes it's me.
"Don't go down there."
"What's down there?"
"Nothing that's concerns you."
"I'm gonna check it out"
"Good luck with that. It's just a hollow shaft that drops 50 feet. And is to small for your suit to fit."
"Never mind then."
"I'm going to start supper. Are you coming or not?"

We cross the yard in silence, which Stark behind me by a few feet tense and ready for a fight that hopefully never comes.
Walking into my house I see someone cooking spaghetti. Their back is turned to me but judging by the hair it's Scarlett.

"What kind of sauce are you making for that?"
"Huh? Sauce?"
"The stuff that goes on things like spaghetti."
"Oh. Um I wasn't planing on putting any on. I don't know how to make any and I didn't find sauce in the cupboards."
"I can teach you if you want."
The next 15 minutes contains Scarlet and me collecting ingredients and putting them into a sauce pan to mix and cook together.

"The noodles are done. We need to drain then now."
Standing in the entry way for the living room and alerting everyone by my presence by clearing my throat I mutter
"Supper is ready. Come get some if you would like."

They all come in to the kitchen and sit at the table that I set while waiting for the noodles to cook, and keeping myself at least 2 feet from Scarlett so I don't scare or accidentally harm her.

"Dig in."

They all watched me as they dug in and I didn't even attempt to get anything to eat. Truth is I don't eat very often, that and I prefer not to eat with anyone near me.

Thor goes for seconds and Steve starts glaring at him.
"You should let her eat, or at least ask if she's going to before getting more.
"I'm not hungry. Besides I ate lunch."
"Silver you should eat."
"I'm fine Winter. Thank you for worrying though."

As everyone finishes I clear plates and try to ignore their glances and hushed whispers.

"Bucky. Who is she?"
"A friend."
"Like a friend that's going to murder us in our sleep? Or a friend that's not going to try and kill us?"
"No I'm not going to kill you."
"You can hear us?"
"Yes Widow I can. I am an enhanced."
"How so?"
"You don't have to worry about it. I'm not going to hurt anyone here."

Winter starts to laugh. Then starts to stop until he looks back at Widow.

"WINTER! Seriously, contain yourself. I am being truthful by the way, unless they try to hurt me."
No one knows what's going on. I have known Winter since I was 5. When I was taken by HYDRA. He knows me better than I know myself.


My mother was silenced by a bullet going through her head. 

With out anyone other than a practical 5 year old resisting, they took me.
I had a bag over my head, and my arms strapped down so I couldn't use my powers. The bag they put on my head didn't disappear when I turned invisible. And the cuffs holding my hands and legs were fire proof. No amount of heat would melt them.

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