Tree Hopping

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(Winter's P.O.V.)

Once we are all packed I try to despise what's best for Aly. When consulting with the people she hangs out with -Tony, Bruce and Pepper- I decide that she should stay with Pepper, and that she will phone me every night for bedtime.

The quinjet is quiet quiet for some of the time, and loud the rest. Natasha and Clint are in the cockpit, Tony, Bruce and Thor are having a detailed conversation on space, Sam, Steve, and Wanda are laughing about things that Jess did while we stayed with her. Vision laughs along.

I watch everyone from beside Steve and laugh every so often. Especially when Steve tells the story of Jess being thrown out there back of the jet because of some wires. Tony pipes in "I remembered to check the other jets!" Before returning to his space conversation.

Once silence settles in again I move to see how Nat and Clint are making out, since they don't notice me they keep talking
"Of course I can tell that you like him!"
"Clint, if you don't stop yelling I'm going to hit you so hard you fly back to Laura."
"Good luck with that. Oh! Plus Jess said hat you were going to be her substitute mom, she must have been trying to basically push you two together." What?
"I don't like Buck like that!" Wait.
"Я должен спросить?" (Should I ask?)

They both turn to face me. Thank god auto pilots on. "What?"
"Clint you would have crashed the plane if it wasn't on auto pilot. Jeez."
"Shut up Nat."
"Make me."
"Я вернусь." (I'll come back.)
"Хорошо." (Good)
"Should I ask?"
"That's what he said before Clint."
"Oh, well in that case," I walk out before he can continue. I changed my mind. I don't want to know.

Sitting back down Wanda smiles at me. Trying to think in her direction what were they talking about?

You will have to ask them. She smirks and turns away.

Sighing I lean back in my seat, if it's going to be a long ride may as well sleep.

Like always there has to be a dream like memory. This one is about Jess, young Jess.

She's up to my hip, pounding on the punching bag that's barely swinging. There's people around us laughing and I can tell she's getting frustrated, her hands are starting to look like lit coal.

Pulling the bag away from her I point to the weapons rack, she grabs two large knives that look like they could be swords to her.

This is when HYDRA decided to get her katanas.

We step on the sparring mats together, but know that only one will walk off and the other will have to be carried.

Someone yells go, she comes at me. Kicking me in the groin she backflips, lands and runs at me again. This time sliding between my legs, cutting my legs. Before i can turn around to find her, she's in my back, legs wrapped around my stomach, one knife disabling my metal arm, the other against my neck ready to slice of need be.

This was her first official fight with swords, I was trying, she still made me look like a fool. Everyone has assumed that the first time she held a sword- the day she first killed a person- was pure luck and rage. She was a very mad child. Both mad crazy and mad as in like, pissed off.

She must have been five or six years old, we started her training with swords and other blades soon after.

Looking around the jet, I pretend nothing happened even with Wanda watching me. No one else notices and I shut my eyes.  May as well sleep some more.

Silver DeathΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα