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I don't recommend having an out of body experience. It's scary, you can't talk to anyone due to the fact that you don't have any vocal cords and no one can see you but of course its a great time to wonder around yourself and judge the body you inhabit. Bruce had started doing compressions by the time I realized why the hell I could see myself and people were having a mild freak out and other people were trying to get them out or to stay where they were instead of rushing me. Wanda had disappeared and returned with another person. Said person looked at me, well the me on the table not the out-of-body me.

When my head starts to feel like its about to explode I shut my eyes, what a big idiotic mistake.

I'm in a room I once was held captive in. The shared cell with James in a HYDRA facility, there's someone else in here. There's a little girl here, she seems so familiar. "Who are you?
"You should know. Or at least you will in a few days." Her hands catch fire and she touches the bed she's sitting on, it catches as if doused in gasoline.

As she stands her hair goes up in flames, and her hands touch my arms, this is the first time I've ever felt heat from fire. I do not like the feeling at all.

"Why are you doing this?"
"You want to know how our victims felt huh? This is how. This isn't even as bad as what we've done to some people. Do you remember the oil?"

Her hands turn to fists, and suddenly I don't know how to fight. She's just a little girl. When she hits me my clothes catch fire, burning away slowly and leaving me in pain.

"What are you" a series of coughs make it hard to continue speaking, turning my voice raspy "talking about?"
"I'll take that as a no. When you do, just multiply that pain by at least five or six. Then you'll know what some of them felt." Her hair brightens, and covers my line of vision, making me shut my eyes.

I'm back in the lab, sitting up and feeling like I'm going to vomit, and as if I'm still on fire.

There's the vomit. Sorry for getting it on your shoes and on the floor.

"Ow." I sound worse now then I did in the dream. Voice much raspier and toad like.
"Who won the fight?"
Loki. You little, stay out of my head and don't look at what's going on within it. Or just stay away from me, that would be preferable. If he hears me or is able to guess what I'm trying to tell him he doesn't let on. "My mind."

What all did he even see? "Where'd the tube go?" Asking Bruce this might seem strange but I don't know why he took it out so quick after putting it in. That and my throats hurts from it. My feet look weird and turned towards each other from my position. Let's just look at them and see if the concentration will make the room stop spinning.

"Jes?" Oh shit. Steve saw all that.
Flicking my eyes to him then back to my feet to avoid vomiting again a hum as a response.
"Are you okay?"
Why wouldn't I be? The fight raging in my head or the pain of my throat? "Fine why?" Get your voice under control lady.

Buck's human hand moves slightly as he takes a small step toward me. "Your heart."
"Stopped?" That's why I woke up I guess, and judging by the way they've reacted to my guess means it's correct. "I know."

"How?" Dude. It's not something you can't feel. It hurts more than being shot.
"I've had it stop once before that I  remember Sam. Same feeling as when I woke up that time too."
"What feeling?"
If he was in my head, maybe he would know. "Loki?"
"Tingling, almost a good feeling but with a minor pain-to her it would be excruciating to most- afterwards. It's strange."

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