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Natasha was planning something, something that would get everyone in trouble with Laura. Big time.

The Avengers plus me met up in the shed (no one had told Laura about it, yet.) and we discussed how to annoy her.

Clint was even all for it. He claimed that since his wife was being rude to his friends and his hostess that he would be in on the plan without telling her.

We decided that small pranks weren't good enough. We had to prank and scare her. Badly.

Natasha, James and I teach everyone Tili Tili Bom and a second creepy lullaby; come little children.

It may not be as bad as Tili Tili to some but can give others nightmares. James and I know of this because during our HYDRA years we interrogated many different people and found ways to break them. Even if it was a creepy lullaby sung by one of us while the other sat across the table from the person we needed information from while picking there nails/teeth with a large knife. Lots of times I was the one singing, and when we finished with the interrogation and no longer needed the person, or the they were not being cooperative I would stab them in the back when I finished my song.

Teaching them was a long and testing process. Tony couldn't hold a pitch to save his life and Steve kept smiling to wide to sing. It took about two hours to get both songs down.  Unfortunately both were in English.

During the music lesson Natasha and I put on ballet shoes and taught the boys how to dance as we sung. That took three hours. James already knew how to dance because he helped me when I came back from Red Room and he helped Natasha while she was within Red Room.

Steve and Bruce were the last two to learn the dance. I walked over to them and guided Steve to the dance floor while still in my point shoes.

Standing in front of Steve I put my hand up as I did with James while showing the boys the steps, Thor, and then Falcon.

Steve places his hand against mine and we step is a circle while I hum the tune of the song and he copies what everyone else has done.

I turn my back to him and he becomes confused, I had not done this with anyone else but Natasha and James are doing the same thing. "Put your hands on my hips, then lift me like James is doing with Nat."
Steve pauses to look at the other pair, when he places his hands on my hips they are extremely warm. Lifting me and turning in a half circle he sets me down and does it again so that we are facing the way we originally were. When Steve lifts me I spread my arms with one above my head and one reaching out behind me. My left leg is bent so that Steve can hold me up using it and my right leg is straight out behind me for balance. To get into this position I had stood on my right leg and bent my left leg before guiding Steve's hand from my hip to wrap around my leg. "I'm going to tilt forward and your going to grab my other leg so I don't fall. Okay?"
Doing the spins again proves a bit more difficult because he does not set me down only lowers me slightly and then spinning again, James saw this and did the same with Natasha who was up in his arms.

After three hours of practicing we could dance to the song, but most of us could not sing it while dancing. Only James, Natasha and I could.

Everyone has a vote to see if we try to sing it and dance or if we dance to the song. Everyone except James and I vote for the second.
"Why don't you do a solo? You can sing and dance." Tony comments and everyone nods.
"That's a good idea, Tony. Silv you always have been able to sing, and since I only ever saw you dance maybe five times this could be a fun thing for you."

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