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(Winter's P.O.V.)

When I looked at the girl under the bed I saw my own eyes and looked to Steve before asking "who are you darling?"
"Mom said I had to wait here until she came back to get me. Or until you did."
"Your mom?"
"Yah, she was one of HYDRA's beat assets."
"Do you mean Silver?"
"Silver Death. Also known as Jessica."
Reaching under the bed I pull the child out as carefully as I can and set her on my hip. "How old are you?"
"I'm seven."
"Seven, wow you seem pretty strong for  kid your age."
"Mother always trained me. She tried to keep me away from all the other agents so I wouldn't get hurt." She looks over my shoulder then back to me "who are they?"

Turning around I see the whole team standing still, Nat has her hand covering her mouth and Wanda has a look on her face that makes me think she's already went through this child's head, Steve has no emotions and so does the rest of the members other then Clint and Thor, who both are tensed but trying to keep a smile on their faces.

"They're my team."
Her face lights up "mom told me I had to read a note with all of you!" She starts patting her pockets and pulls out a folded paper.

Natasha walks up towards us and holds her hands out to the girl "why don't we go to the living room and read that?" As the girl leans towards her Nat grabs her under the armpits and sets her on her own hip, brushing hair from the girls face as they walk out of the room. No one else follows them, they all look at me. I don't know what to say so I just shake my head and walk out.

The two girls are sitting on the couch discussing Natasha's hair. "Why is it red?"
"Because my parents hair was red"
"Why is it curly?"
"Because I decided to make it curly"
"How did you make it curly?"
"With a curling iron"
As everyone files into the room the little girl looks around and asks "is this everyone on your team?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Mom said that I had to wait and read the note with everyone."
"Okay, then let's read the note."

She smiles and pulls it out "I can't read, can any of you?"
"Yah, I got it." Nat reaches for the paper but before she can get hold of it the girl- we really need to find out her name- runs over to me
"Here! Mom probably knows that you can read!"she thrusts the paper into my metal hand and runs back to Nat, sitting on the floor between her legs.

It takes me a few seconds to look at the paper and start reading.
"My dear Aly Natalia Wanda Barnes." I read what's on the paper and translate it, not bothering to look up at the faces of everyone else. "I know you never had a proper name so I now give you one. You have no birth certificate ask Tony to make you one." This is in Romanian, when did she learn that? "I love you and I know you will not remember me forever, but know I will do my best to remember you. As you grow old I may not, if I can I will watch over you, keep you safe. When I first saw you I looked into your eyes and saw a scared child. You were not looking at me but behind. Anatoly is the one who is arranging transportation for you an I. You will stay and I will come back here to Germany, I love you my daughter. When or if we meet again be prepared that I might not be your mom but a mindless killer. Carry a knife with you always."
"She's switching languages, first it was in Romanian now it's in German. But she says 'Steve? I know this will come to a shock to you but but take care of James and Aly. I told her about you, she asked why talking about you made me cry. It's because I didn't get the chance to tell you that I love you."

I glance around the room to the people it's addressed to, Wanda is still starring at Aly and Nat is braiding her hair. "Natalia and Wanda." They perk up and look at me "You two are to be her mothers now. I won't be there for her and now she will have people to care for her. Please keep her safe."

Reading the next part I keep silent and decide not to tell anyone what she says to me. 'James. If I would have remembered we had a child I would have said something, and tried to find the said child. I was told that when I came out of surgery for my new arms that we were both wiped after my pregnancy and that during it we were kept at separate facilities. Keep our daughter safe. She has your eyes.'
"Um, next she says 'Dr. Banner she might have a hard time trusting you due to her past, but I need you to make sure she's healthy, and not going to get hurt somehow by something within her.
Sam, keep her mind healthy let her know I'm not abandoning her, let her know that she is loved. And that goes for all of you.' That part was in English, Tony can you get Pepper?" He looks at me oddly "there's a section in here for her."
He sprints out of the room.

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