On A Team Of Her Own

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More memories flash before my eyes, moulding themselves into the present. A man picking up a stray gun that's actually on the table, but as his hand comes away the gun stays there but one is also in his hand.

Someone getting thrown over the bed, as if they are a rag doll, a woman holds a child close as a fight rages around her, the door is burst in but only in my imagination as HYDRA soldiers fling James into the cell we shared.

No, the door actually opened, but James isn't being flung in, he's coming willingly and with Steve right behind him.

Without thinking I kick him, getting him away from me as someone of my imagination who looks kinda like Tony comes through him, and lunges at my neck. Steve grabs my one arm, and I force my eyelids shut.

If I can't see the memories they can't hurt me, and I can't hurt anyone around me.

With my eyes shut I am restrained, someone is holding me face down with my hands spread above my head.

It's obvious that they don't trust me. Why would they?

I'm a monster.

Eventually the images stop coming when I open my eyes, and I now know that it's Steve that has a knee between my shoulder blades to keep me down.

"Yah Jes?"
"I want to go back in." He should know what I mean.
"I'm not letting you in that chair."
"You know I'll just find a way around you."
"Not if Steve is still holding you there."
"Just because I haven't flipped him off yet doesn't mean that I can't."

I can feel the muscles around Steve's knee and in his hands tense up even more than they already were. "Can you really get up?"

James leans forward with his mouth open and a hand outstretched but it's already to late, Steve is flying head over heels in the air while I stand still waiting for the crash of him landing.

He lands on the bed instead. "I shouldn't have asked."

Plopping back down to the floor I attempt to barter with James. He comes to the conclusion that I won't be going in the machine again.

Little does he know that while he's away on the mission tomorrow and Bruce is here I'll just have him help me then.

Lowering my head I say "get out," as fiercely and level as I can.

They both look startled, but Steve nods and stands before placing a hand on Winters shoulder. They leave together, shutting the door silently as they go.

My hand is over my mouth, trying not to let any sobs be heard. I can't afford to be any weaker than I already am. I can't allow anyone to realize how weak I have become. Especially the people in this tower.

HYDRA said there was a spy here right? I have to find out who.

(Natalia's P.O.V.)

We all left Jes in the meeting room with Fury, we left Peter alone and forbade him from coming to see Pietro with the rest of us.

She showed up with Peter right behind her, and took care of him when Pietro made it clear that something was about to go down.

We all stood frozen as Pietro and Wanda ganged up on her, she didn't fight back but stood her ground.

She didn't fight back against Wanda as she was pinned to the wall, she allowed everything to happen she refused to hurt a friend even if her friends ignored her.

Not being able to stand it any longer one of my metal bites attaches to Wanda's neck. Making her drop Jes.

As soon as Wanda dropped her, Jes made me turn of the bite with two simple words and as soon as she left I knew something was wrong, but instead of following her I went against my better judgement. We all stayed with the twins for a good half hour and everyone else seemed to be on edge with just allowing Jes to leave like that.

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