Plane seats?

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When I go to bed that night I sit in my room with my door closed until Winter comes in.

"So what else can I do?"
"You were going to tell Wido-Natalia that I could do something else other than become invisible and make fire."
"Ah that."
"Yes that. Would you like to tell me what I can do?"
"As long as you don't get mad at me."
"Why would I be mad at you?"
"Because what you can do could make you feel that you made Steve like you against his will."
"James. I want to know. What  can I do?"
"You can alter people's emotions. And you can shift your physical appearance. But the altering emotions and shifting thing got suppressed by HYDRA and since the dosage will probably wear out soon they may come back."
"Wait. I might be making the people on your team like me? Even if they don't."
"It's a possibility. But know that before HYDRA started doing experiments we had already met. And I already cared for you. HYDRA gave you those powers."
Standing up I grab earbuds and my phone.
"Silv where you going?"
"Shed. I wanna keep working. My mind needs to stay busy."
"I'm coming with you."
"No. You need sleep. I don't. Go to bed Winter."
"Only if you come too. You need sleep. Your not a machine."
"No I'm not a machine. I'm going to work on a machine."
"What kind of machine?"
"I don't know yet."
Opening the bedroom door and walking out I grab my boots not bothering to put them on and leave the house.

When I get to the draining grate I look at the camera Natal-Widow had set up, and open the passage door.

Sliding down the ladder I want to cry, but I won't because that is what I was taught. Don't cry because crying is weak. And the weak get killed.

Climbing to my nest I see Clint sitting there, with his hearing aids in.
"So what's with you and sitting up here alone?"
A look of contemplation crosses his face. I wait for a few moments until he responds.
"I am not supposed to tell you this but S.H.E.I.L.D. is looking for us. We were compromised and think that S.H.E.I.L.D is going to lock us up when we get back to New York."
"Shitty. But why are you staying away from your team?"
"I want to go home. To my wife and kids."
"But you can't. So why not just find a way to contact them and oh I don't know drag them here?"
"I wouldn't know how."
"Your wife have e-mail?"
"Yah. Why?"
"I have a computer room. Come."
I stand up and jump off the edge of the nest with Hawkeye following a few moments after me.
Once we reach the computer room I turn on my main computer and log into my email.
"What's her email?"
Typing it in as he says I get him to check it only for him to nod. Putting inscriptions on I send an email saying
'CB is safe in a nest, with a spider as company. For more information please click here.'
Positioning the mouse over the send button I grab Hawkeye's hand and set it on the mouse.
"Go for it."
He hits send and within the next five minutes of me sitting behind him messing with a dismantled computer I hear a sharp binging noise.

1 new email.

'Who is this? Tell me and then I will clink the information link.'

'Your hubby is here. Click the dam button he wants to talk to you.'

"That wasn't a nice reply Silver."
"Well it worked. You can hit the accept button."
"The what?"
As soon as he says it a FaceTime request come onto the computer screen.
"The that. Now hit accept."
He hits it.
"Clint? Is that really you?"
He only nods.
"You were supposed to be back home a week ago. I assumed worst."
He starts snapping his fingers at me.
"What? Forget how to speak?"
With him nodding I sigh and come into view of the camera.
"Hi Laura. My name is Silver. Your husband is currently unable to speak due to the fact that he's crying. Would you mind coming to Canada to see him?"
"Canada? He's still in Canada?"
"Yah. He crashed the Quinjet into the field near my house. So he and his team are here. Tell me a time that works best for you and your tickets will be purchased."
"Um, whenever."
"Okay. If you wouldn't mind giving me just one second while I find a airport near you."
"Did Clint tell to where we live?"
"No I tracked where this FaceTime originated from. If you get to the airport in the nearest city say umm Janesville, maybe on Monday since it's is Thursday now I can have a flight booked for you and your kids."
"How did you track where I am?"
"I will explain when you get here. Until then I leave you with your mostly composed husband. Have a good night. You will be flying into Winnipeg MB and I will pick you and your kids up."
Leaving the room only to hear the first part of the conversation
"I'm so sorry for not finding you sooner."
"You are okay though? The girl said you crashed."
"Yah. Everyone is safe. Where are the kids?"
"Outside. Do you want to speak to them?"
"No. Give them a good surprise when they get here."
"Okay. Clint ho..."

By the time I am out of earshot I am across the shed and standing by the entrance to the gym door.

Going in I can hear some hitting the punching bag. Captain America is in a white muscle shirt and sweat pants.

I stand and watch him for five minutes before I walk away.

I go back to the house and go to find Widow.

Knocking on the door to the room she is occupying I call her name.
"Widow? I need some help with something."
"Thank you."
As she walks out the door I glance the clock.
"Did I wake you?"
"No, I was reading."
"Ah. I am getting some plane tickets for the Barton family to come see Clint. What would the best places for them be? Like middle seats? A section where there is a window?"
"Laura and the kids are coming here? Is that safe?"
"Yes. I have fake passports and a fake ID for Laura. I am buying the tickets so that they don't have to. But I need to know the best seats for them."
"Cooper- Clint's son- likes a window seat. Lila the daughter likes an isle seat. Laura just needs to be near her kids."
"That is very helpful. Would you like to help me pick seats?"
We go up to my room where Winter is asleep. I pull the covers over him to keep him warm.
Sitting down on the stool I give Widow the office chair so she can be comfortable.
"Do you think West Jet would be okay?"
"Yes Silver I think it would be."
"Okay. And what about seats. What ones do you think are the best?"
She points to the screen "maybe these ones."
"Okay. Booked. And I need someone to come pick them up with me. Would you mind coming with me?"
"Of course I'll come, but I don't think we will all fit in your truck."
"I have a van that we can take. It can hold like 10. Plus luggage."
"That works. Where is that?"
"In the shed that looks like it's gonna fall over."
Nodding she stands up and stretches.
"Where is Clint?"
"He was in the computer room. Steve was in the gym. And everyone else is asleep as far as I know."
"I'm gonna go see Clint and maybe talk Laura. Is that okay?"
"Go for it. I'm gonna log off of this and hopefully sleep."
"Good luck. At least you have a human heater."
"Is you room cold? I can turn up the heater!"
"No no the room is fine. Wanda is just an ice cube. It's rather funny."
"Okay. If you want the heater in your room turned up feel free to."
"Okay. Thanks for helping Clint like this."
"He has a family that's worried about him. He needs for them to know he's safe. And he includes you as family."
With a nod she leaves.

I sit and wait for awhile until I grow tired.
Sliding Winter so his back is near the wall I climb into the bed so I'm at the edge, I want to keep him safe before I disappear again. But when I disappear this time, I won't be found.


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