His Eyes

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I'm strapped to a metal table by my arms, legs, neck and waist. Pain is all that I can feel, my vision is blurred but I know that there is a really annoying bright light above me. Not knowing what's happening I have to ask "What's going on?" Dr. Anatoly appears in my vision that is beginning to be less blurred.
"We are prepping you for your operation."
"Can we put it off until I'm, you know, used to living in HYDRA again, well until I'm a brainless murderer?"
"I'm sorry my dear, but the arms are ready, all we have to do is sedate you to make you pass out." He looks away from me and nods to someone I can't see "give her the sedative, let's get this show on the road," a needle stabs me in the neck, as everything starts to go dark I hear "someone get me a video camera, her precious Avengers should know what's happening to her."

They may have found a serum that knocks me out but it doesn't work fully. I can feel everything that happens. I don't know what they use to take my arms off but it rips my skin before cutting through it and everything under it. I want to scream but my mouth doesn't work, my eyes won't open and I can't hear anything. When the open sockets that once held my arms feel something cold pressed to them I can only guess that my new arms are being put on.

When air rushes over me I assume I'm being moved to a different room, either one to heal or die in, or I'm being put in a cell. After a day that seems like forever I can open my eyes and see where I am. The hospital wing of the base I'm trapped in.

Trying to sit up I'm pushed back down by Alex. "If you're as smart as everyone says you are, you won't fight back and you will pretend like you're under those words I've been hearing about."
Double agent? Rung to see what I'm going to do? See how desperately I want to escape again? "What?"
"Look you escaped once, probably for a good reason. So I'm here to give"he holds up his hands and makes bunny ears around give "you the words that make you a mindless killer."
"What's the catch?"
"On the mission we are to go on tomorrow you will be knocked out by The Black Widow, and she is going to kill me."
Raising my eyebrow I look at him "Why are you so eager to die?"
"My name is Alexander Anatoly. I refuse to be under my fathers command any longer. If I would have been faster with my last mission I could have saved your arms. Your real arms."
"So why'd you go through with kidnapping me and all that?"
"I wouldn't have if there weren't so many agents there. You pissed one of them off when you broke her nose." Broke her nose? Only nose I broke was on that crazy lady that was hitting on Steve. "Her name is Taylor. She was at the tower for weeks before they found you."
"The girl that Stark is dating hired a new assistant in his absence. She was supposedly so worried that she got sick."
"Sounds like Pepper. Can I get up now?"
He picks up some clothes from the chair behind him and sets them beside me. "Change and meet me on the other side of the door. Don't forget, act like a brainwashed killer."

I wait until he has left to sit up, get dozy and throw up. No one comes back in so I stretch my new arms out and look at them. Shiny is the first thing that I think. Looking at the shoulders I see a black star, Bucks is red.

I know that I am to change quickly. Picking up what was left for me I laugh. The jacket Nat picked out, knee high  black boots, leather fingerless gloves, shorts, and a mask plus undergarments. Once changed I realize that I can't open the door, since there's no handle on the inside to prevent me from escaping. So I knock.

The door opens and my face becomes emotionless and guns are pointed at me. Alex looks at me and says "Солдат идет со мной, у вас есть брифинг, а затем обучение, чтобы добраться." (Soldier come with me, you have briefing and then training to get to.)
"Да сэр"(Yes Sir)
We walk down three different halls. Once in the briefing room where Dr. Anatoly, and three guards are, the doctor smiles at me and his son.
"You two, you two are clever."
"How so father?"
"If I hadn't come to check on our new and improved soldier here" he jesters to me, on the outside I'm blank but on the inside I'm panicking "your plan would have worked."

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